Career Guidance

Children and Adult Career Development and Counselling

Are you at High School and unsure which career to follow one day? Or are you an adult, stuck in a career that bores you?

Look no further for friendly, competent advice from a career guidance counsellor, who understands young people and the job market.

The diagnostic career tests provide clear guidelines for the best career options for you.

There are four tests which you write, after which the results are discussed in an interview.

These tests are:

  • The Senior Aptitude Test
  • South African Vocational Interest Inventory
  • The Jung Personality Questionnaire
  • Incomplete Sentences Questionnaire

For more information, call Carol now on 082 373 5419, or look on your computer or laptop at

Who is Carol Davies

I am an experienced, Christian Psychometrist who is passionate about finding the career which suits the student’s personality, aptitude and intellectual ability.  I am skilled in Psychometric assessment, the generation of reports and feedback sessions. I qualified as a teacher too, and so I am also able to do proof reading and editing. Currently, I am working for Gosra International, a Gospel recording Studio